July 29, 2008

Back to Houston... Marathon News

Well, shuckins, it looks like we are heading back to MD Anderson in the next day or two. AC is producing "blasts" which are an indicator the cancer is back. His labs last week showed 6% and the labs today are at 24%. He feels lousy, poor thing. I am trying to remain chipper, but it is like a huge dark cloud hanging over us.

I tried to spend some time painting yesterday and today, but just can't seem to keep a thought in my head and find myself staring at the canvas like a moron. I did get an email from AC's nephew-in-law in Houston that he is running a marathon in January and is going to be running in AC's name and he set up a website for donations and to keep folks up to date with his training:

We were so touched! To think that someone thought of that... would I have been so kind? I would like to think so, but... it is an incredible gift to see people react to AC's illness in a manner like that. It would be so easy to just wallow in self-pity, but to know that there are people getting involved, trying to do anything that will help, just makes me cry. Big time. Wow.

I think I will bite the bullet and watch HGTV with AC tonight. I can't stand watching other people work on their homes when I could be doing something, preferably art, but I want to snuggle with my honey and just hide from the world for a couple of hours, even if it's just watching someone else paint. A bedroom. Or a bathroom. An awful color that lacks imagination. *grin*


WW said...

(((hugs))) to you both!

barefootchef said...

So thinking of you and keeping everyone in my prayers. I know things are tough right now, but your friends and family are here to lend support in whatever way we can.

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